Friday, September 7, 2012

You can't always get what you want.

Literally, just called my younger sister in the hospital. She was pregnant and they induced her labor because the fetus died. She was six months. I'm planning to see her soon. She already has a three year old and now this. I must admit I was a little jealous when I found out she was pregnant again because I felt like I should be having kids before my younger sister. As it stands, we're one for one. But for some reason this bummed me humor this time, just kinda sad. And I feel terrible for my initial feeling. I feel really shitty. This pregnancy wasn't planned but everybody was really happy. Guess you can't always get what you want.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Why I Love White People.

I had an epiphany that I now share with whoever is reading this. I now know why I love white people: No matter what the situation or occasion, you MF'ers always know how to have a good time and I really appreciate that. I know you aren't supposed to say that outloud to others and being black you definitely aren't supposed to pick anything NOT black but yeah. It was one of those thoughts that entertained and delighted me today. I'm currently searching for a new apartment and when thinking about what parts of Cincy to live in, the racist thought occurred to me that I didn't wanna live near a TON of black people. A few is cool. I'm definitely not partial to any particular race. I hate everyone equally and I am suspicious of anyone living near me which is redundant and stupid when you live in the apartment setting but we humans are prone to err. Anyhoo, I've found myself looking for places in primarily white, middle-class areas and now I know why. I love white people and want to live near you...Granted some of you are crazy- Hitler, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Kate Gosselin to name three off the top of my head, but overall ya'll are alright.